New Blog

I’m pulled in a million directions right now as I renovate the new Lewis Revival shop space, make sure leases, council tax and licenses are in order, set up credit card processing systems, sign utilities contracts, solve the ever-present shipping issues to the island, continue to pick vintage stock, and find the best suppliers for paint and related supplies. Somewhere in the midst of the flurry I managed to register a domain name for the business, find a hosting server for it, and bumble through setting up WordPress. I’m working on setting up the online store as well, but at this point my brick-and-mortar opening at 38 Cromwell Street in Stornoway, Scotland takes precedence. If there is a perfect storm, I should be open within a month, but I’m getting pretty used to operating on Island time, so I’ll take care of the things that are within my control and not sweat the bureaucratic delays too much. It will all happen.

If you are new to my blogging efforts, welcome. If you are a follower of the personal blog Irresistible Pull of Fate that my husband and I kept while trying to navigate the choppy seas of our Transatlantic Romance and actually establish a household together legally on the same side of the Pond, welcome to you, too.

This blog may be a bit different than what you expect regardless of whether you have followed me before or not. I was a professor in my previous life; now I’m about to open a creative business specializing in what I call “Prairie and Croft Vintage Decor.” I don’t find these two callings (professor and vintage upcycling) incompatible, even if sometimes interesting contradictions do occur. I actually find that my research and teaching background is very applicable to my new endeavors. I also find that my cultural adjustment as an American expat on a remote Scottish Gaelic island has brought me new understanding not only of differences but also of similarities in experience between my Prairie homesteading ancestors and life in crofting communities. There is a constant dialogue between the familiar and the foreign in my head as I go about my daily life here in the Outer Hebrides.

So, depending on the day, you may find a post here about my newest furniture upcycling project, about an upcoming workshop I’ll be offering, or about some weird and wonderful vintage “smalls” I’ve found for the shop. But you will also find posts about cultural heritage, family histories, and the rich Transatlantic ties to be found between my new home and my old one. If you are from the decor and upcycling world, you will find familiar topics but a different voice. If you are a reader from my previous blog, you will find a familiar voice but different topics. In either case, I hope you are a frequent visitor!


0 thoughts on “New Blog”

  1. We in a jiffy advise you: in this article we talk round the dark side of the Internet. It is drab because people there finger relief and impunity and so show to commit crimes. It is ignominious to allocate crimes, but a desperado should be in prison.

    But to the point.

    It is generally accepted that there are three types of the Internet:

    well-defined internet. We revile here every day. These are ordinary sites: common networks, search engines, forums and the website of the Traditions magazine. All of them are in the segment of the unmistakeable Internet. Any required information can be organize by keywords, because barely all sites are indexed through search robots.

    Inscrutable Internet. These are the sites whose content is not included in the search results: this is a gigantic excellent of sites in behalf of employees, closed databases and other benefit pages. Technically, they can be accessed via the Internet, but as regards this you difficulty to skilled in the username and password. There is nothing illegal in them, but you cannot arrive at there without especial access.

    Darknet. A hidden network within the internet that is not visible via accustomed means. It works on the after all is said principles as the TOR network, you can at best retrieve into it into done with TOR. This network was especially created hidden and anonymous so that no one could authenticate censorship or restrict the activities of participants.

    The crux of the dark web is anonymity, but the network itself does not automatically guarantee anonymity. To comply with it, using TOR unparalleled is not enough. A person can leave some facts here himself on the forum, which can crow about his real identity, or download a Trojan that on echo him. In this view, the darknet is quite the unaltered as the cyclical Internet – the more data you register with reference to yourself, the easier it is to figure you out.

    How it works
    This is most over accessed through the Tor browser, so most sites on the blackness интернет are located in the .onion pseudo-domain. Pseudo-domain means that in reality there is no such empire on the Internet, but they can be accessed inside the black web.

    In behalf of standard, if you minute the talk to in a normal browser, you will get an typographical error because the DNS servers don’t be acquainted with how to hold this domain. And if you enter the still and all address into the Tor browser, the HiddenWiki window bequeath appear – Wikipedia for the joyless web. There is nothing forbidden in it, it honourable tells you where to go to the loo if you are on the bleak интернет suitable the opening time t45t66

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